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The Benifits of Handwriting

Main idea

The benefits of handwriting

Handwriting adds a personal touch

Handwriting fonts attract the eye

Handwriting is unique

Handwriting expresses an emotion

There are numerous benefits of handwriting we can talk about. Forinstance, handwriting expresses an emotion. There are so many handwriting fontsand each one expresses a different emotion. Some may look happy. Some may look creepy. Some may look childish and some may look serious. With every font that you use, it gives a different emotion and impact to the readers.


a. Handwriting fonts add a personal touch.

Whenever you see a handwriting font, it seems that something is written personally for you. There is a different reaction in receiving an envelope with your name handwritten on it and an envelope with a more formal type of font. Indeed, handwriting fonts add personalization.

b. Handwriting fonts attract the eye.

Undoubtedly, handwriting fonts stand outfrom the rest of the fonts that are commonly used like Arial, Times New Roman,Helvetica and others. It can even make skimmers stop and read what is in the pageswhen they see some text using handwriting fonts. They’ll be curios on what is written, so for sure, they’ll read it and you’ll successfully relay the message you want readers to know.

c. Handwriting fonts are unique.

Certainly, they are unique. Like everyindividual’s unique handwriting, these fonts are different from each other,too. Each one has that distinct manner of making curves, swirls and straightlines. Also, each font could convey different messages to the readers andvarious emotions, too.

d. Handwriting fonts express an emotion.

There are so many handwriting fonts andeach one expresses a different emotion. Some may look happy. Some may lookcreepy. Some may look childish and some may look serious. With every font thatyou use, it gives a different emotion and impact to the readers.



a. good performance in speed andefficiency enhancement

b. practical functions likeautomatic correction

c. good choice when writing formalfiles


Think about every time you have to look atthe keyboard to find the right key. Or, maybe you find yourself constantly making mistakes and having to go back andmake corrections as you type. Each time this happens, it breaks your focus andbecome distracted.

If you spend a significant amount of timeat a desk, in front of a computer then you probably know that sitting andtyping can take a toll on your body. Achy shoulders, stiff neck and sorewrists are some of the side effects of poor posture and bad computer habits.




